
The History

Esports Federations Association

The EFA - Esports Federations Association, is an international organization of eSports, with the purpose of helping in the growth and expansion in all the participating countries, always with objective and transparency, seeking the valorization of the players and all the involved.

Created in July 2018, EFA has as its creators, experienced people in organization of championships, marketing, people management, software development and all the areas necessary to reach the success of the organization, offering all the support to its users.


With continuous improvements, always innovating and seeking alternatives that make the fun, experience and pleasure of your e-Sports in the competitive

Develop the best championships, the biggest leagues and the fiercest disputes. Bringing transparency and respect to players, everything that is most amazing in eSports


Proximity to those involved.
Efficiency in care.
Organization in actions.
Love to mode.